
Welcome to my blog, Banter.

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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Five Sense Rehearsal: Sight

In this series on rehearsal techniques, we are focusing on using the five senses as a way to play with our content. When we prepare for a talk, an interview, a training, even a tricky conversation, it’s important to surprise ourselves by using techniques that bring out the unexpected. We often think of preparation as simply “looking over” or “running through” the content. This is great for familiarizing ourselves, but keeps our relationship with the content pretty superficial. In rehearsal, we deepen that relationship, giving the content an aliveness, a spontaneity. We’ve talked about hearing the sound of the words, tasting the language, and this week we use sight: we use our bodies to show the words, to move them. We’ve all seen speakers who seem divorced from their bodies, their arms, faces, breathing held tight, rigid, as if they are more electronic speaker than human speaker. By showing the content in our bodies…Read on.

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Kate Bennis Kate Bennis

Presentation Skills and Techniques in Action: C. Mitzi Sinnott

Today I got the link to a TEDx Talk by the incomparable, C. Mitzi Sinnott: Trust Your Truth and Serve the World. The first time I watched it I was swept up in the stories, the beauty, the open-hearted generosity. I watched it again minutes later, noticing the skills and techniques she brings to her performance. And then again, just because…because I wanted to make sure I soaked in her deep, heartfelt message. I wanted to make sure I let myself be moved to action. Minutes later, I asked Mitzi if I could write this post and refer to her her talk to illustrate the techniques I have outlined in this blog. Below are a few of the skills and techniques…Read on.

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