Ten Public Speaking Commandments

I. Thou shalt not hide from the audience but shall open to them, share with them, and pull your hair back so that it is not obscuring your expressive face and eyes.

II. Thou shalt not exclude the audience, but shall include them by speaking loudly enough to be heard, clearly enough to be understood, and with simplicity of language so as to have impact.

III. Thou shalt not let your mind be racked by selfish, self-conscious, self-critical, self-absorbed, self-centered thoughts, but shall focus on the vital purpose of your talk and on the audience, your partner in this dance.

IV.  Thou shalt not squander your many gifts, but shall use all that you possess—your face, voice, body, imagination, and courage—to communicate using a vivid palette.

V. Thou shalt not waste the audience’s time by apologizing, rushing, being unprepared, or speaking on a topic about which you do not care deeply or do not know fluently.

VI. Thou shalt not laugh at your own jokes.

VII. Thou shalt not perform for recognition, admiration, or to impress, but shall perform selflessly, for the benefit of the audience.

VIII. Thou shalt not ask your audience a question you do not actually want them to answer.

IX. Thou shalt not perform on auto-pilot, but shall be awake to this unique opportunity each and every time you speak.

X. Thou shalt be a pro: prepared, standing tall, speaking out.

 XI. Always give credit…Extraordinary photo by Emily Scher.


Public Speaking: learning from observation


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