The Inside Story

I did this interview because…maybe it would be cool, maybe it would be good for my work, maybe it would find its way to clients. I’m not sure any of that happened. I do know that I had the unexpected pleasure of learning something about myself. I found the questions brought out surprising answers.

This week, we take out a journal and ask ourselves the seemingly simple and general questions I was asked by Canvas Rebel. Let me know what you learn.

  1. Let’s start with the story of your mission. What should we know? (What a wonderful opportunity to hone our missions, personal and professional!)

  2. Before we move on to more of these sorts of questions, can you take some time to bring our readers up to speed on you and what you do? (What fun it was to write about what I actually do, rather than my resume!)

  3. Any advice for growing your clientele? What’s been most effective for you? (It was fascinating to reflect about this part of my business, the part I just don’t worry about. I asked myself, what is enough? What do I want? Where do people find me? How have I been so lucky to connect with clients I so respect and admire?)

  4. Have any books or other resources had a big impact on you? (This was my favorite part!)

Thank you, Canvas Rebel!


Applause and Timing


“Yes, and…” in action!