The Proactive Speaker: Props

When I was in 5th grade at the Cincinnati School for Creative and Performing Arts, I got my dream role: one of the steps-sisters in the musical, Cinderella. I cannot express just how much I loved playing Joy. I loved my co-step-sister, Portia. I loved the two hours of makeup complete with fake nose lovingly applied by a teacher who looked just like Dolly Parton (Mrs. Tippetts?). And I LOVED my prop hand-mirror which would explode when I looked into it!

One night, as I reached for the mirror, ready for my big bang moment, the mirror was not on stage! In character, I furiously, searched the stage, getting more and more frenzied, until I screeched, “CINDERELLA! Where is my mirror!” A stage-hand quickly thrust a black-sleeved arm out, I grabbed the mirror, it exploded with a loud flash and puff of smoke, and the show went on.

To this day, I assiduously check my props. Even with the most professional, detail-oriented stage-managers assuring me that they have taken care of everything, I place, touch, and check each and every prop. Every performance.

And this goes for every talk, presentation, and training I do, as well.

I make a list, and just like the airplane pilots who check each box on their list each and every time they fly a plane, I check my list each and every time I give a talk.

A list for a talk might read something like:

  • 2 easels

  • 2 charting pads

  • 5 Mr. Sketch markers (test them first!)

  • Water bottle—full

  • Tea

  • Cough drops

  • Pen

  • Notepad

  • Biz cards

  • Dongle

  • Computer

  • Slides on a backup thumb-drive

  • Check mic and batteries at venue

Then, when you get into the space (EARLY), make the space your own, set your water, tea, pens. Check your props. Walk the space. Warm up. And see what it feels like to be READY for an audience!


The Proactive Speaker: Tech Rehearsal


The Proactive Speaker: Find your light