Sway: communicating with sway at work

“Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work.”

Gustave Flaubert

I love this quote from Flaubert. It makes me think of the small, repetitive movements of a farmer moving along a row of earth, planting seed after seed after seed, orderly and regular. The farmer knows that this calm and mundane routine will coax wild roots to descend and twisting tendrils to wind their way skyward.

All of the work we do together—in blog posts, trainings, coaching sessions, key notes—has the same message: prepare, become fluent, then play.

In the workplace, this means preparing for team meetings, panels, presentations, and tricky conversations. The more we prepare, the more we can sway.

Simply put:


Whether our work is in an office, storefront business, working directly with clients, leading teams and organizations, virtual or in-person, the below posts cover the spectrum with skills and techniques to bring our SWAY into our work.

And then…WHAT CHANGES? If we begin to sway at work, what changes for us, for our experience, for others around us? This week, as we play with a few of the skills below, notice, pay attention, what shifts as we sway?

Meetings and Panels:


Tricky Conversations:

Helpful in all work communications:

And, as we navigate this season of light and dark, it may be that the best thing we can bring to all communication is generosity.


Sway: communicating with sway in our relationships


Announce What You Want